About Computer
The beginning of computer engineering already developed before indonesia independence. Started in 1936, Claude Shannon used Boolean Algebra to make a prototype of digital circuits. It became the base of telecommunication industry
and computer. Then it continues to Atansolf-Berry Computer (ABC) is the first
binary based computer in 1939.
Then in 1995, engineer of ibm made first disk drive. Afterward in 1968, Douglas Engelbart submitted a patent of mouse computer and demonstrated it in San Francisco. Until Microsoft Operating System launch for the first time in 1975 and Apple computer which is made by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in 1977. It continues to grow significantly until now.
Fields Studied
Fields to be studied in Computer Engineering
Basic Science &
Computer Engineering Breadth
Computer Engineering Core
Computer Engineering Depth
History & Decree
Computer engineering major been created since Telkom Institute of Technology Surabaya established, based on Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education no. 733 / KPT / I / 2018.
When S1 Computer Engineering Study program, IT Telkom Surabaya was establish, it has 5 institutional lecturer, with at least 1 doctoral lecturer. Rigth now, all of the lecturer have functional position and have skills certification. in 2018, there are 10 active students. in 2019, increased to 41 and in 2020 there are 68 total active students.
Graduate Information
Degree and Graduates Profile of the Computer Engineering Study Program
Bachelor Degree
After graduated and completed Computer Engineering Study Program, Students will get bachelor of computer degree (S.Kom).
Graduates Profile
The profiles of graduates from the Computer Engineering study program are:
Industrial Automation Technopreneur
Software Engineer
Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the Computer Engineering Study Program
will have following abilities after following this undergraduate program :
- Able to demonstrate professional integrity by demonstrating commitment to values and ethics.
- Able to understand the need and how to conduct lifelong learning and/or have the background to continue education to the next stage including access to knowledge related to current issues.
- Able to apply knowledge of mathematics and other basic sciences, especially in the specific field of engineering and understand the wider multidisciplinary context of science and engineering.
- Mastering the concepts of science, application of engineering mathematics, basic engineering design needed to analyze and design systems that are integrated between hardware, software, and computer networks.
- Able to apply the computational knowledge needed to analyze and design complex devices or systems.
- Able to identify, formulate, analyze, and solve problems by providing comprehensive alternative solutions according to the field of Computer Engineering expertise.
- Mastering knowledge about the latest technological developments in the field of computer engineering and specialized information technology that focuses on the fields of transportation, logistics, and marine.
- Able to conduct testing on engineering system designs in laboratory and/or field scale and able to analyze and interpret data using correct statistical rules.
- Able to use engineering methods and instruments correctly according to standard instructions, and update skills in using these instruments on an ongoing basis.
- Able to conduct investigations using research-based knowledge and research methods including experimental design and procedures, data analysis and interpretation.
- Able to communicate effectively both orally and in writing, in expressing ideas/ideas or presenting research results by considering cultural aspects.
- Able to work together in multi-disciplinary and multicultural teams, have interpersonal skills to make decisions and be independently responsible for their work and adhere to professional ethics in solving technical problems.
- Able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions effectively both orally and in writing.
- Able to carry out tasks effectively, both as individuals and team members and work effectively with multidisciplinary team members.