Jenis Kegiatan | Judul Kegiatan | Tahun Kegiatan |
Prosiding seminar internasional | Design of Covid-19 Tracing System based on Bluetooth Low Energy | 2021 |
Prosiding seminar internasional | A Wireless Tire Pressure and Temperature Monitoring System Based on Software Defined Radio | 2023 |
Poster seminar internasional | Mobile Apps for EFRISA Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Ground Control Station | 2022 |
Lain-lain | Sistem Informasi Posisi Kereta Api Menggunakan GPS | 2011 |
Lain-lain | Implementation of Digital Modulation with Single Carrier and Multi Carrier OFDM Schemes Using USRP | 2014 |
Lain-lain | Advanced Computer and Communication Engineering Technology: Proceedings of ICOCOE 2015 | 2015 |
Lain-lain | An Implementation of Error Minimization Data Transmission in OFDM using Modified Convolutional Code | 2015 |
Lain-lain | ESPAR antenna based diversity scheme for multiple antenna OFDM system | 2016 |
Lain-lain | Kinerja Teknik Reduksi PAPR Hibrid Partial Transmit Squence (PTS) dan Clipping Filtering Pada Sinyal OFDM Ranah Waktu | 2016 |
Lain-lain | Performance of MIMO-OFDM System Based on Channel Estimation for IEEE 802.11 n | 2016 |
Lain-lain | Performance of MIMO-OFDM system based on channel estimation for IEEE 802.11n | 2016 |
Lain-lain | Reduksi Peak-To-Average Power Ratio pada Sinyal OFDM Menggunakan Skema Hybrid Enhanced Partial Transmit Sequence-Tone Reservation | 2016 |
Lain-lain | Implementasi Relay Demodulate and Forward pada Sistem Komunikasi Kooperatif | 2017 |
Lain-lain | Implementation of relay demodulate and forward on multihop communication system using wireless open access research platform (WARP) module | 2017 |
Lain-lain | Pengembangan Penggunaan I-Beacon Pada Sistem Parkir Elektronik | 2017 |
Lain-lain | Performance of single-RF based MIMO-OFDM using Turbo Code | 2017 |
Lain-lain | Implementasi Sistem Komunikasi Nirkabel OFDM Berbasis Software Defined Radio (SDR) | 2018 |
Lain-lain | Performansi Hybrid BCH-Convolutional Code pada OFDM menggunakan Software Define Radio | 2018 |
Lain-lain | An access-point transmission power minimization approach using PI feedback control in wireless local-area network | 2019 |
Lain-lain | An exploration of transmission power optimization method for concurrently communicating two access-points in wireless local-area network | 2019 |
Lain-lain | An investigation of transmission power optimization for performance improvement at concurrent communications of multiple access-points in wireless local-area network | 2019 |
Lain-lain | Local Scattering Detection Around Relay on Multi-Hop MIMO Channels Using SDRs in Time Domain | 2019 |
Lain-lain | Power Saving Analysis of Peak to Average Power Ratio Reduction Technique in OFDM System using Hybrid Improved Partial Transmit Sequence dan Clipping Filtering Technique | 2019 |
Lain-lain | A Generalization of Transmission Power Optimization Method for Concurrently Communicating Multiple Access-Points in Wireless Local-Area Network | 2020 |
Lain-lain | A generalized TCP fairness control method for multiple-host concurrent communications in elastic WLAN system using raspberry pi access point | 2020 |
Lain-lain | A proposal of throughput allocation method for concurrently communicating two or three hosts in wireless local-area network | 2020 |
Lain-lain | A Proposal of Transmission Power Optimization Method for Concurrently Communicating Two Access-Points in Wireless Local-Area Network | 2020 |
Lain-lain | A Study of Throughput-Drop Estimation Model for Concurrently Communicating Two Links without Channel Bonding in IEEE 802.11n Wireless Local-Area Network | 2020 |
Lain-lain | A throughput drop estimation model for two-link concurrent communications with non-bonded partially overlapping channels in IEEE 802.11 n WLAN | 2020 |
Lain-lain | An Extension of Throughput Estimation Model for Three-Link Concurrent Communications under Partially Overlapping Channels without Channel Bonding in IEEE 802.11 n WLAN | 2020 |
Lain-lain | An Improvement of TCP Throughput Fairness Control Method for Concurrent Communications in Elastic WLAN System | 2020 |
Lain-lain | Application of throughput drop estimation model under partially overlapping channels to channel assignment in IEEE 802.11 n WLAN | 2020 |
Lain-lain | Performance of an Accelerometer-Based Wireless Body Area Network in Indoor Environment: A Preliminary Study | 2020 |
Lain-lain | Transmission power optimization of concurrently communicating two access points in wireless local area network | 2020 |
Lain-lain | A Study of Throughput Drop Estimation Model for Concurrently Communicating Links Under Coexistence of Channel Bonding and Non-bonding in IEEE 802.11n WLAN | 2021 |
Lain-lain | A Study of Throughput Drop Estimation Model for Two-Link Concurrent Communications in 5GHz IEEE 802.11 ac WLAN | 2021 |
Lain-lain | A Study of Transmission Power Optimization Considering Channel Assignment for Access-Points in Wireless Local-Area Network | 2021 |
Lain-lain | A throughput drop estimation model for concurrent communications under partially overlapping channels without channel bonding and its application to channel assignment in IEEE 802.11n WLAN | 2021 |
Lain-lain | An improvement of transmission power optimization method considering channel assignment for concurrently communicating three access-points in wireless local-area network | 2021 |
Lain-lain | Applicability Investigation of Transmission Power Optimization Method for Concurrently Communicating Access-Points Using Channel Bonding and Non-Bonding in WLAN | 2021 |
Lain-lain | Design of Covid-19 Tracing System based on Bluetooth Low Energy | 2021 |
Lain-lain | Feasibility Investigations of Access-Point Transmission Power Optimization Method under Co-use of Channel Bonding and Non Channel Bonding in Wireless Local-Area Network | 2021 |
Lain-lain | Joint optimization method of channel assignment and transmission power for concurrently communicating multiple access-points in wireless local-area network | 2021 |
Lain-lain | Energy Efficiency in D2D Cooperative Communication System UAV-Assisted for Energy Harvesting Process at Source and Relay | 2022 |
Lain-lain | Energy Efficiency of The Cooperative Communication Systems With Energy Harvested at Source and Relay Using Battery Power at Relay | 2022 |
Lain-lain | Evaluations of the predistortion technique by neural network algorithm in MIMO-OFDM system using USRP | 2022 |
Lain-lain | Improvement of PSNR by Using Shannon-Fano Compression Technique in AES-LSB StegoCrypto | 2022 |
Lain-lain | Operasi Ekonomis Motor Pompa Air pada Water Treatment Plant menggunakan Metode Iterasi Lambda | 2022 |
Lain-lain | Penerapan Teknologi IoT pada Sistem Monitoring Tekanan Ban Mobil yang Berjalan | 2022 |
Lain-lain | Performance Analysis Of The Energy Harvesting Techniques In Cooperative Communication Systems of NBIoT Devices With Amplify And Forward (AF) Relaying Protocol | 2022 |
Lain-lain | Quadcopter Main Board Design with PID Algorithm as Controller | 2022 |
Lain-lain | 2020 Eighth International Symposium on Computing and Networking Workshops (CANDARW)| 978-1-7281-9919-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE| DOI: 10.1109/CANDARW51189. 2020.00104 | 2023 |
Lain-lain | 2021 Ninth International Symposium on Computing and Networking Workshops (CANDARW)| 978-1-6654-2835-4/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE| DOI: 10.1109/CANDARW53999. 2021.00093 | 2023 |
Lain-lain | Birri, I. 173 | 2023 |
Lain-lain | Conference Program Committee Chair | 2023 |
Lain-lain | Farezza, JH 61 Fariza, A. 442, 511, 534, 609, 615 Fauzi, A. 559 Fauzi, WA 425 Febriansyah, II 581 | 2023 |
Lain-lain | Smart Grid Pilot Project Evaluation and Recommendations in Indonesia: Case Study of Semau Island | 2023 |
Jurnal nasional terakreditasi | Penerapan Teknologi IoT pada Sistem Monitoring Tekanan Ban Mobil yang Berjalan | 2022 |
Jurnal nasional terakreditasi | Performance Analysis of The Energy Harvesting Techniques in Cooperative Communication Systems of NBIoT Devices Using Amplify and Forward (AF) Relaying Protocol | 2022 |
Jurnal nasional terakreditasi | Quadcopter Main Board Design with PID Algorithm as Controller | 2022 |
Jurnal nasional terakreditasi | Performance Analysis Of The Energy Harvesting Techniques In Cooperative Communication Systems of NBIoT Devices With Amplify And Forward (AF) Relaying Protocol | 2023 |
Jurnal nasional | Rancang Bangun Sistem Pemantauan Tekanan dan Suhu Ban Berbasis Internet of Things dan Software Defined Radio | 2024 |
Jurnal internasional bereputasi | A throughput drop estimation model and its application to joint optimization of transmission power, frequency channel, and channel bonding in IEEE 802.11n WLAN for large-scale IoT environments | 2022 |